
Tips for Seasonal Allergy Relief

Seasonal allergies, aka allergic rhinitis, and commonly known as hay fever, affect many people during the spring, summer, and fall months. An allergy is the result of a hypersensitive immune reaction to an antigen. Allergic rhinitis is caused by an allergic response to airborne allergens such as pollen, dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores. When these allergens are inhaled,…

Heart, Heart, and Heart

Three hearts? How can this be? “I may not have paid much attention in high school biology but I’m pretty sure there is only one heart.” Well, you’re right… and not right. There’s the first heart, the one we are all familiar with, the four chambered organ in our chest that is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. Next…

The Perils of the Sweet White Powder – Sugar – 10 Tips for a Healthy Immune System (part three Addendum)

The original intent of this “addendum” to our immune series was to solely focus on the challenge that added sugars pose to our immune system. As I delved deeper and deeper into the research on added sugar’s impact on our immune system it became clear that it made the most sense to expand the effects of sugar to our overall…

10 Tips for a Healthy Immune System (part three)

While the majority of articles about supporting a healthy immune function tend to focus on nutrients and botanicals that directly affect the immune system, what is often overlooked is the significant impact that immune stressors have on immunity. Immune stressors are lifestyles or foods that interfere or suppress a healthy and balanced immune response. In part II we went into…

10 Tips for a Healthy Immune System (part two)

The U.S spends more on “health care” per capita than any other country, and yet, out of eleven economically advanced countries examined, the health-adjusted life expectancy for the U.S. comes in last. Clearly something is not working with our current system and perspective. As I mentioned in Part I, the most promising approach to health, vitality, and particularly immune health…

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